WWE legend Triple H retires

WWE legend Triple H, 52, confirms he will never wrestle again after having defibrillator fitted into chest after surgery

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14-Time World Champion And WWE Legend Triple H Has Retired From In-Ring Competition

The 52-year-old revealed in his first interview since the op last September: "For me, as far as in-ring, I'm done."

Triple H feels he has no choice but to quit fighting Credit: AFP or licensors

The fight icon, aka Paul Levesque, is expected to recover fully, having had viral pneumonia and heart failure.

Triple H - now an NXT producer - told First Take he now has a totally new outlook on life and appreciates what he has got.

WWE great Triple H is sure he'll never clash in the ring againCredit: Getty

He said: "I will never wrestle again. I have a defibrillator in my chest, which it's not a good idea for me zapped on live TV."


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